Research Article



The pandemic COVID – 19 represents not only a global health crises, but also a global finical crises, coming up with human and economic costs that tend to be higher at developing countries, due to their health care system, informal economic sector lower fiscal space, corruption, etc. Although each country have taken its individual measures regarding the pandemic COVID – 19, it is needed an international coordination in the economic policy, health care and science to face with its consequences. In this regard, the main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of the economic measures that governments around the world have taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which can vary in length and scope, to review the recent papers regarding the macro effects of the pandemic COVID – 19 as well as to emphasize the COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Index (CESI) that contains fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate measures, created by Elgin et al. (2020), based on the data for 166 rich, middle and low income countries. In addition, in this paper are only taken into consideration the fiscal and monetary stimulus. The results imply that richer countries have a larger economic stimulus package and adopt a larger fiscal and monetary stimulus.


pandemic COVID-19 CESI index economic growth fiscal stimulus monetary stimulus