Research Article



As a candidate country to full membership in the European Union, North Macedonia has been reviewing and harmonizing its laws, bringing the North Macedonia legal system to an equal level with the material and procedural laws of most developed countries in the world. After the introduction of CSR in 2002, the importance of this concept was quickly acknowledged by the government and other stakeholders. In 2008, North Macedonia became the third country in the EU, after Denmark and Lithuania, to adopt a national CSR Agenda and the North Macedonia document stipulates that the concept of CSR includes compliance with legal obligations. The fact that corporate social responsibility has been increasingly present in today’s society cannot be denied. Despite the continuous debate as to whether or not firms should have social responsibilities, research indicates that consumers seem to care about CSR and therefore it is in the best interest of the company to do so as well, it is ‘seem to care’ because the concept of CSR is characterized by a significant attitude-behaviour gap. Nevertheless, studies indicate that nowadays most consumers expect companies to have fairly high levels of CSR. It reveals the legislative efforts of a country in transition to raise awareness and include CSR principles in business strategies, culture, and day-to-day business operations. The research gives examples of the measures taken to create legal obligations in respect of CSR-behaviour and CSR- reporting. Almost ten years after its introduction, CSR is still a relatively new concept in North Macedonia. Yet, with a comprehensive approach that includes the government, various ministries, business organizations, labour unions, NGOs, academia, and the media, the country managed to become a leader in the region regarding CSR.


North Macedonia CSR legal obligations behaviour