Research Article



Regardless of the driving mechanisms behind the production of a film work, it has a great impact on society. Society responds by continuing to invest in film production, simply because people need the products of the film industry. It is because of this that the film industry is on par with any other industry that offers entertainment or caters to similar consumer needs. This speaks of the universality of the mechanisms for building a competitive advantage - regardless of whether they are of a corporate, or of a cultural-artistic and entertainment nature. The satisfaction achieved when consuming the products of film production determines its place in the economic system. What we call "economics", in its most rudimentary form, is a model of how people use the financial resources available to them. The development of creative industries and the expansion of new media represent an environment from which threats to productions arise. Film productions must be proactive in their expression - creating film forms in step with the digital age. The vast source and choice of content, the metamorphosis of media and film forms, are increasingly available at the click of a button. Long-term cultural trends affect the "economic health" of production houses as well. The globalization of information technologies and the internationalization of cyberspace require the concepts of culture and creativity to be re-examined and placed at the center of global socio-economic and political mechanisms. Hence, there is a need to fundamentally understand and implement the mechanism of the relationship between film forms, and not about formats – something that is absurd with the current development of cinematography.


Production film digital media strategy globalization