Research Article



Formation of competitiveness of employees at the present stage of development of economic relations is the subject of study of economists (within the framework of the labor economics, personnel management, etc.), psychologists (from the position of determining the influence of one or another factors affecting the need and willingness of an individual to develop his professionally significant qualities, which ensure competitiveness), teachers, sociologists and specialists in other scientific fields. Modern negative trends that significantly change the field of work: remote employment, mass technology introduction and digitalization of labor functions previously performed by people, innovations in labor processes, etc., inevitably increase competition in the labor market and actualize the need to investigate the factors that ensure the advantages of employees in the struggle for the job. Competitiveness of personnel has a significant impact on the company’s competitiveness, since human resources are an important element of the company’s efficiency. In today’s business, the competitive advantages are taken by those companies whose personnel work efficiently and effectively. Thus, the tasks of the company’s HR service include activities aimed at ensuring the professional development of employees, increasing their competence level and matching the positions they occupy. Increasing the core competences of personnel is the basis for managing the competitiveness of employees of organizations. The key method of formation and development of core competencies is the system personnel policy, focused on the development of corporate training practices oriented to those competitive advantages of employees, which should be formed by developing competences in the current and forecast periods. And those companies that consistently implement and actively use the benefits of corporate training have the opportunity to quickly influence the competence profile and level of their employees, manage their competitiveness and ensure a stable market position for the company as a whole. The article considers the experience of foreign and Russian companies in implementing the system personnel policy aimed at the formation of corporate core competencies that ensure the competitiveness of employees in the domestic labor market.


Competitiveness employee corporate competencies qualifications development